About the Living Dungeon

Bring the excitement of playing a dungeon tournament board game to your screen, in beautiful gruesome detail. Roll your five action dice and use those actions wisely. You have two minutes. There really is nothing quite like The Living Dungeon.

Up to 9 players can take part in a battle of wits, luck and skulduggery. Survive other adventurers, monsters, and the dungeon itself through combat, agility or dungeon manipulation. Only the strongest, fastest and smartest survive.

Press comments

Only a few of the press have played this game so far, but they have had some lovely things to say.

“Fantastic! It’s like nothing I’ve ever played before.” – xboxoneuk.com

“Best indie game” EGX 2015- thementalattic.com

Player Testimonials

Last year we took the game to EGX so that we could try it out on some strangers. We didn’t even ask them to, but many posted fantastic messages of support on our Greenlight page. We want to thank you guys for all of your kind words which let other people know that the game is great fun.

“Awesome game can’t wait to be able to play again” – Waylander_TC

“Just played at EGX – cool game. Could see me and a few friends losing a lot of hours to this game for sure! Definitely worth a thumbs up!” – jerobolod

“Great, fun, nice looking game, played it today at EGX!” – Solivagant

“Played it a Eurogamer! Really fun with friends.” – Strika2000

“I saw this at Eurogamer, was instantly enthralled with the idea: full support!” – Caemdare

“Saw this game at EXG today and talked to the dev, love the ideas and the mechanics.” – KnH

“Met these guys EGX and loved their game and they were really nice people too….Bonus :D” – hybrid1969



Many years ago, an ancient and mysterious structure was unearthed in the desert. An expedition entered this ancient artefact and found, at it’s very center, A giant magical crystal that would grant the structure power. Foolishly, they then activated that crystal. The structure twisted and contorted to an unseen will, and only a few of the expedition made it out alive.

That structure was named The Living Dungeon. Powered by light and protected by darkness. It is home to fiends and monsters. It rearranges and shapes itself in the hope of consuming all who enter.

Over the years many came to see this wonder. Slowly a town was erected around it. The town became a city and the city became a culture. Now the lords of the city use the dungeon as punishment for those who anger them and entertainment for their subjects.

About the game

Below you can see a game in play and an early mock-up of the video game version. If you want a quick demo of a typical turn have a look at this video, but I won’t go into the nitty gritty of the rules here. Generally speaking, a player chooses an avatar and skills, they get a couple of action chips and must try to complete a random objective if they wish to survive. They can run, jump, fight, shoot and also rotate and flip sections of the dungeon. The game can be played with 2-9 players and with or without a GM. Game sizes can be tailored to create games that last 10 minutes or 3 hours.


Honestly we’d love to invite all of you to come in and play it with us but our office is just too small. All we can do is make it into a kick ass video game and share it with the woooooooooooooooooooooooorld.

We’re also going to be keeping a dev diary so you can follow our misadventures. Hope you all want to get involved.

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